What Does a Healthy Vagina Smell Like?

All vaginas have a scent—and no, it's not a bouquet of roses. Here's how to tell when something is off.

If you're panicking because your vagina doesn't smell like flowers and fruity substances, you don't need to. "The vagina is not meant to smell like a rose garden," said Sherry Ross, MD, OB-GYN, and author of She-ology: The Definitive Guide to Women's Intimate Health. Period. "However, the vagina has a familiar scent, which many do enjoy. Depending on the time of the month, vaginal discharge can change in smell (as well as consistency)."

What Is Normal Vaginal Odor, Anyway?

It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what a healthy vagina smells like because every person has a different scent, Dr. Ross said. But some people use words like earthy, ripe, or even pungent, or slightly sour to describe their typical vaginal odor.

The key is to know what your ‘normal’ smell is,” Dr. Ross said. “All of us with a vagina usually know that awkward feeling if a new and strange smell comes our way. The vagina is especially sensitive to different changes in your daily environment, so anything that affects this delicate balance will affect the smell as well as the type of discharge and its consistency.”

What Causes Changes in Vaginal Odor?

Factors that affect the odor of the vagina include antibiotic use, douching, spermicide, new sexual partners, and frequency of sex, Dr. Ross said. “These factors can not only cause a weird odor but can also create other uncomfortable symptoms,” Dr. Ross said. In fact, if something is up with your vagina, you’ll likely experience other symptoms beyond a change in odor.

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)

Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that can cause a vaginal odor. Usually, there is a balance of good and bad bacteria in your vagina. When someone has BV, there is an imbalance of that bacteria. BV causes your vagina to produce a fishy odor, especially after sex. Other symptoms include:

  • Vaginal discharge (white or gray in color)
  • Pain, itching, or burning in the vagina
  • Burning while peeing
  • Itching around the outside of the vagina

The cause of BV is unknown but douching (washing out the vagina with water or other fluid mixtures), not using condoms, and having sex with multiple people or a new partner can increase your chances of getting BV.


Also called "trich," trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection that also causes an odor. Only about 30% of people with trichomoniasis develop symptoms. Among these symptoms is clear, white, yellow, or green vaginal discharge with a fishy smell. Other symptoms can include:

  • Itching, burning, redness, or soreness of the genitals
  • Discomfort when peeing
  • Discomfort when having sex

Trichomoniasis is spread by having unprotected sex with a partner who is infected.

Your Diet

Switching up your diet might also make your vagina smell different. According to Dr. Ross, the worst offenders include garlic, onions, mint, turmeric, blue cheese, cabbage, cauliflower, asparagus, red meat, and vinegar. Smoking, alcohol, and not drinking enough water can also change things up down below, Dr. Ross said.


Hygiene habits also affect the vaginal scent. Remember, your vagina needs to be kept clean like any other body part. "The vagina has sweat glands and hair follicles, which can attract bacteria and contribute to strong odor," Dr. Ross said. Also, the vagina's location near the anus makes it crucial that you keep the area clean to avoid bacteria buildup that can lead to foul odors, Dr. Ross said.

How Do You Get Rid of the Vaginal Odor?

Getting rid of your vaginal odor all depends on what is causing it. If you have trichomoniasis, you will be treated with medication. But be aware that you can be infected with trich again after you are treated. Make sure both you and your partner receive treatment. If the cause of your vaginal odor is BV, you will be treated with antibiotics. BV can also reoccur after treatment.

Besides those conditions, you may need to adjust your diet and keep yourself and your vagina clean.

A Quick Review

If you are experiencing an abnormal odor coming from your vagina, you may have an STI like trichomoniasis or bacterial vaginosis. It is also possible that something in your diet is causing the issue. No matter how clean and healthy your vagina is, it will probably never naturally smell like “citrusy bergamot and cedar absolutes.” But that doesn’t mean it can’t smell just as good in its unique way.

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3 Sources
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  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. STD facts - Bacterial vaginosis.

  2. Office on Women's Health. Douching.

  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Trichomoniasis- CDC basic fact sheet.

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