Health Benefits of Cordyceps

Cordyceps sinensis

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Cordyceps is a type of fungus that grows on the larva of caterpillars. It has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to improve fatigue, cough, sexual desire, kidney function, and weakness after a severe illness.

Today, dietary supplements and other products containing lab-made cordyceps are advertised to help with everything from athletic performance and blood sugar control to immunity. However, research is limited to animal models, test tubes, and small clinical trials.

Here's everything you need to know about cordyceps, including its potential benefits, risks, and healthy ways to incorporate it into your diet.

May Improve Athletic Performance

Cordyceps supplements are popular among athletes. The fungus is believed to benefit athletic performance by improving blood flow, increasing oxygen utilization, and functioning as an antioxidant.

One study examined the effects of a mushroom blend containing Cordyceps militaris on high-intensity exercise after one and three weeks.

Researchers found that one week of supplementation did not significantly improve exercise performance compared to a placebo. However, three weeks of daily supplementation led to significant improvements in maximal oxygen intake (VO2 max), suggesting that chronic supplementation of cordyceps may increase training intensity and delay fatigue.

However, research supporting its effectiveness remains mixed. Other studies have shown no benefit in well-trained athletes, even after long periods of supplementation.

Cordyceps seems to be most beneficial for improving aerobic performance in well-trained athletes when combined with other plant extracts like Rhodiola crenulata.

May Benefit Heart Health

Cordyceps may benefit heart health by improving blood lipid (fat) levels and treating arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).

High levels of fats in the blood, also known as hyperlipidemia, is a key risk factor for heart disease.

A 2020 review of studies found that cordycepin, the main bioactive compound in cordyceps, can reduce the accumulation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, total cholesterol, and triglycerides in animals.

Another 2021 study found that CM1, a polysaccharide from Cordyceps militaris, was effective at lowing blood lipid levels in hamsters.

Polysaccharides are major water-soluble components in the fungus that are thought to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

However, these studies should be interpreted with caution, as the results of animal research may not be relevant to human health.

A 2022 review of nineteen trials that included 1,805 patients found cordyceps effective at adjusting the heart rate to a normal level in patients with arrhythmia.

Note that all of the trials in the review had a small sample size and were conducted in China, which raises concern for geographical bias.

Further studies are needed to determine whether cordyceps can benefit human heart health.

May Help Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is a health condition that occurs when your blood sugar is too high. It is the eighth leading cause of death in the U.S.

Animal studies have shown that Cordyceps militaris extract may help decrease blood sugar levels by improving glucose metabolism, or how efficiently the body processes sugar from foods we eat. It may also help protect against nerve damage caused by diabetes.

In addition, a 2023 study found that Cordyceps militaris and cordycepin may help regulate blood sugar levels in mice with diabetes by improving the balance of bacteria in the gut.

Another study in rats with diabetes found that cordyceps may enhance sexual desire by increasing testosterone production and reducing oxidative stress.

However, no human research has confirmed these effects.

May Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is a normal response to injury or infection and a necessary part of the healing progress. But chronic inflammation that lasts for months or years can lead to several chronic health conditions, including:

In fact, chronic diseases related to inflammation account for more than half of deaths worldwide.

A 2020 review of studies found cordycepin regulates specific pathways involved in inflammation, suggesting its potential to protect against chronic inflammatory diseases. Cordycepin may also help boost immunity and prevent the replication of viral RNA, thereby protecting against viral infections.

Again, human studies are needed to confirm these effects.

Anti-Aging Properties

Oxidative stress—the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body—plays a significant role in aging and the development of age-related diseases, including dementia, arthritis, and cancer.

Several compounds in cordyceps, including cordycepin and polysaccharides, are thought to have potent antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants interact with and neutralize free radicals, protecting the body from oxidative stress.

Additionally, some studies suggest that cordyceps and its compounds can improve brain function in aged mice by eliminating or neutralizing free radicals.

Anti-Tumor Effects

While human studies are needed, emerging evidence suggests that compounds in cordyceps may help treat cancer.

According to one 2022 review of studies, the fungus may directly act on tumor cells to kill them or prevent the growth or spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body. Cordyceps may also help improve the body's immune response against cancer.

In particular, test-tube studies have shown that cordyceps has anti-tumor effects on leukemia and cancer cells of the colon, lung, liver, bladder, breast, and prostate.

Nutritional Facts of Cordyceps

The nutrition content of cordyceps supplements specific will vary from brand to brand. However, wild cordyceps are considered to be one of the most nutritious mushrooms. They contain various amino acids, vitamins E and K, several B vitamins, and trace elements.

Cordyceps are also high in polysaccharides, accounting for 3–8% of their overall weight, and nucleosides like cordycepin and adenosine, which are believed to contribute to most of their health benefits.

Risks of Consuming Cordyceps

When consumed as recommended, cordyceps is unlikely to be toxic. However, there are no human studies to establish the safety of cordyceps.

Some people have reported experiencing mild to moderate side effects, including:

Studies recommend people with auto-immune diseases like lupus, multiple sclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis avoid cordyceps unless otherwise advised by a healthcare provider.

Furthermore, there have been several reports of lead poisoning caused by contaminated cordyceps powder.

Consumption of cordyceps supplements in children or while pregnant or breastfeeding is not recommended due to a lack of research on its side effects.

Tips for Consuming Cordyceps

In nature, cordyceps grow as a fungus on caterpillars. This makes it very difficult and expensive to obtain.

In the U.S., you'll most likely come across cordyceps in supplement form. It is commonly available in tablets, powder, or dried in its whole form.

Due to its high price point and rarity, most supplements contain a synthetic version of Cordyceps sinensis called CS-4. Some supplements may also be made with a synthetic form of Cordyceps militaris, which has similar components as Cordyceps sinensis and is believed to be equally effective.

Like all supplements, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not evaluate cordyceps supplements for safety and effectiveness before they are sold.

To ensure you get a quality supplement free of potentially harmful ingredients, it's best to purchase from a reputable brand that utilizes third-party testing. Some supplement manufacturers hire third-party labs to test their products for purity and potency, which helps improve supplement safety. Whenever possible, purchase supplements from brands certified by organizations like UL, USP, and NSF International.

How Much Cordyceps Should I Consume?

Due to a lack of human research, there's no official recommended dose for cordyceps. However, if you decide to try a cordyceps supplement, you'll want to follow the dosage recommendations and instructions provided on the product label. Taking too much may increase the risk of side effects.

A Quick Review

Cordyceps is a fungus used in traditional Chinese medicine for years to treat everything from sexual dysfunction to fatigue. It seems most promising to improve athletic performance by improving oxygen utilization and energy.

There is also some evidence in animals and test tubes that the fungus may help improve heart health, blood sugar, inflammation, aging, and cancer outcomes. However, we cannot say these effects will be seen in humans.

If you are considering taking cordyceps supplements, check with your healthcare provider to ensure it's safe for you and won't interact with any medications you're taking.

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