How To Prevent Pregnancy After Unprotected Sex

Want to avoid an unplanned pregnancy? There are options if you have had unprotected sex or the condom broke.

Unplanned pregnancies are not uncommon. In fact, almost half of the pregnancies in the United States are unplanned, with the highest rate among people between the ages of 18–24 years.

Know there are options for emergency contraceptives if you dread having to make the difficult, life-altering decisions that come with an unplanned pregnancy. Emergency contraceptives can be effective if you use them within days after unprotected sex.

Here's what to know about emergency contraception options and some other considerations.

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What To Not Do After Having Unprotected Sex

The one thing you shouldn't do after unprotected sex is douching. Douching alters the normal balance of yeast and bacteria in the reproductive tract. The risk of UTIs increases if something alters that balance.

Douching can increase the risk of other reproductive system infections and vaginal irritation or dryness. Plus, douching may make it hard to get pregnant or create complications during pregnancy.

Get Tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections

One of the best ways to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) while engaging in vaginal, anal, or oral sex is to use condoms.

Receiving regular tests for STIs—including gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and hepatitis B and C virus—is essential if you are sexually active. It's a good idea to receive a test within a couple of weeks of unprotected sex. 

Of note, you will need to get retested in another six months to ensure your HIV and hepatitis test results are negative. Some tests for those viruses take a couple of weeks to six months to detect the viruses in your body.

You can take a course of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) within 72 hours of exposure if you think you've been exposed to HIV. Generally, healthcare providers reserve PEP for high-risk scenarios.

How Effective is Emergency Contraception?

Emergency contraception does not guarantee you will not become pregnant, but it can reduce your risk. Emergency contraception within five days after sex can prevent more than 95% of pregnancies. That means about 5% or less of the time, you still have a chance of getting pregnant.

ou will want to monitor your menstrual cycle after having unprotected sex. Also, remember that a morning-after pill can cause spotting and alter the flow of your period. That can make it hard to tell if you are pregnant, so if your period is over a week late, take a pregnancy test.

You can also become pregnant after having unprotected sex during menstrual bleeding, though it's less likely. The first day of the menstrual cycle starts with menstrual bleeding. Sperm can live inside the female reproductive tract for five days. Ovulation, which is the release of an egg from the ovary, is necessary for pregnancy. Typically, ovulation happens between days 11–14 of a regular 28-day menstrual cycle.

Still, emergency contraception can lower your risk of becoming pregnant after unprotected sex.

Emergency Contraception

There are two types of emergency contraception to consider: emergency contraceptive pills and intrauterine devices (IUDs) that contain copper. Here is a breakdown of three options: Plan B, ella, and Paragard.

Plan B

Also known as a morning-after pill, Plan B is one of the first hormonal products that the Food and Drug Administration approved for emergency contraception. 

A progestin-only pill, Plan B can prevent ovulation and fertilization if you take the pill within three days of unprotected sex. Plan B can also prevent an embryo from implanting in the uterus by changing the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus. The sooner you take Plan B, the better.

Anyone can buy Plan B and its generic counterparts over the counter, so you do not need a prescription. Although, you may have to ask the pharmacist. Plan B costs between $20 and $50.

You may want to keep Plan B on hand for emergency cases, Christopher Estes, MD, a healthcare provider specializing in functional medicine at the Miami Beach Comprehensive Wellness Center in Florida, told Health.

Side effects of Plan B include:

  • Changes to your next menstrual cycle
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fatigue
  • Tender breasts
  • Dizziness or headaches

You will need to take another pill to ensure its effectiveness if you vomit within two hours of taking Plan B.


Like Plan B, the Food and Drug Administration has approved ella (or ellaOne) as an emergency contraceptive. Generally, ella works the same way as Plan B, except it's effective if you take it as many as five days after having unprotected sex.

While Plan B is progestin-only, ella is ulipristal acetate. According to one study published in 2011, ulipristal acetate attaches to receptors on progesterone molecules. The medication creates an anti-progesterone effect inside the body.

That effect suppresses ovulation and prevents the tissue lining inside the uterus from thickening. Ovulation and thick uterine tissue are necessary for pregnancy to occur. 

Like Plan B, the side effects of ella include nausea, tiredness, headache, and dizziness.


Another type of emergency contraception is Paragard, a hormone-free, copper IUD. Copper-bearing IUDs are one of the most effective types of emergency contraception. A healthcare provider must insert ParaGard within five days after having unprotected sex.

Paragard works because of one key component: copper. Copper IUDs help prevent the sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg and an embryo from implanting in the uterus. Unlike the two emergency contraceptive pills, Paragard is effective at preventing pregnancy for up to 10 years if it remains in the proper place.

Side effects include cramping and bleeding between periods. Those side effects usually go away after the first few months.

Paragard costs anywhere between $500 and $1,300 without insurance.

A Quick Review

Find a method of emergency contraception right away if you have unprotected sex and want to prevent pregnancy. Additionally, this is a good time to consider your future birth control options. Consult a healthcare provider to figure out the safest and most effective choices for you.

Emergency contraception can have side effects and may or may not prevent pregnancy. While it is helpful if other methods fail, do not rely on that method as your only birth control. Instead, invest in a reliable form of birth control, like the birth control pill, patches, shots, vaginal rings, or IUDS. To prevent STIs, make sure you are correctly using condoms.

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  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Unintended pregnancy.

  2. Office on Women's Health. Douching.

  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. How you can prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

  4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis).

  5. World Health Organization. Emergency contraception.

  6. MedlinePlus. Pregnancy - identifying fertile days.

  7. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Contraception.

  8. Haeger KO, Lamme J, Cleland K. State of emergency contraception in the U.S., 2018Contracept Reprod Med. 2018;3(1):20. doi:10.1186/s40834-018-0067-8

  9. Kim A, Bridgeman MB. Ulipristal acetate (ella). P T. 2011;36(6)235-236, 239-331. PMCID:PMC3138379

  10. Paragard. How Paragard works.

  11. Planned Parenthood. How much do IUDs cost without insurance?

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